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Fortuna supports more than 600 Google fonts and you can set different fonts for your Navigation, Subnavigation, Headings, Body Text, Buttons etc.

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WordPress Pages

Fortuna is simply Amazing

Fortuna is a clean design, powerful WordPress Template suitable for a wide variety of websites that you will fall in love with. Do not be fooled by its looks. Fortuna has a rock-solid backend functionality and is a heavy weight lifter by all standards.

Overview Buy Now

Designed to Amaze

Fortuna features a characteristic clean, modern design along with a wide variety of theme options so you will always be unique.

Top Notch Functionality

Do not be fooled by its looks. Fortuna has a rock-solid backend functionality and is a heavy weight lifter by all standards.

You are in good hands

Last but not least Fortuna ships with our 5-star support that you can count on with any questions you may have.

Fortuna’s unique Features

Stunning Design

Fortuna wordpress theme features a highly customized version of Visual Composer. It helps you create highly customizable page elements.

We created around 30 custom shortcodes that have so many customization options that your mind will be blown.

Fully customized Visual Composer
Easy to import Demos
More than 1200 Icons at your finger tips

Fortuna Features a highly customized version of Visual Composer – one of the best visual builder plugins out there.

More than 1200 Icons at your finger tips
Fully customized Visual Composer
Easy to import Demos
Modern Desgin
Solid Backend
Amazing Support

Fortuna is

We are a passionate about design bunch of fellas that take pride in their work

Features Buy Theme

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Theme Features & Highlights

Stunning Design & Countless Options

Fortuna is a diverse WordPress theme suitable for a  wide variety of websites: Corporate, Company, eCommerce, Portfolio, Personal, Blogs. Start our trial today!

Tons of customization options at your finger tips

Fortuna will blow your mind with the virtually unlimited customization options it offers. Hundreds of style presets are available to you for all your menus, portfolio items, post items, carousels, grids etc.

Ease of Content creation and modification

Fortuna ships with plenty of customizable interface elements ready to add to your page at the click of a button via the best Drag’n’Drop plugin – Visual Composer.